As of 2:45 P.M. March 10, 2017
Elmore County – CSX Railroad began working on rail crossings in Elmore County on this past Monday, March 6. The Elmore County Elmore County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) has been in constant contact with the rail representatives throughout the week in order to keep emergency service providers (law enforcement, fire, and EMS) and Board of Education informed of the closures at the rail crossings. The Elmore County EMA has been provided an updated work schedule for the remaining work to be completed by CSX next week beginning Monday, March 13, 2017.
Below is a schedule showing the crossing work that has been completed or the anticipated day that the work will likely be conducted on. Each road listed below will be closed at the rail crossing anywhere from two to three days at a time while the work is being completed.
For roads/crossings that are not “one way in/one way out,” CSX will set up detours allowing temporary alternative access. Those individuals with “one way in/one way out” access will be notified in advance by CSX and given an opportunity to relocate their vehicles to the other side of the crossings in order to not be inhibited from departing these areas once work begins on the crossings. CSX will also expedite the process for reopening the one way in/one way out routes.
The following is the schedule and status of rail crossing maintenance:
Prattville Junction Road is completed and the crossing is back open.
Rodgers Drive is completed and crossing is back open.
Coosada Road is completed and crossing is back open.
Pecan Grove Road is completed and crossing is back open.
Gas Plant Street (off of Coosada Parkway) is completed and crossing back open.
Politic Road (Town of Elmore) is CLOSED at the rail crossing for scheduled maintenance and will remain CLOSED through the weekend. Work will resume on Monday.
Jackson Street (Town of Elmore) will be temporarily open over the weekend, but will be CLOSED again at the rail crossing for scheduled maintenance on Monday March 13, 2017.
Marion Spillway Road is still pending closure. Work will likely begin on Monday, March 13, 2017.
Speigner Circle is still pending closure. Work will likely begin on Monday, March 13, 2017.
Railroad Street/Cypress Street cut through is still pending closure. Work will likely begin on Tuesday, March 14, 2017.
CSX advises this maintenance schedule is subject to changes due to both delays and accelerations of the work schedule.
If you or someone you know is affected by these road closures, please check the EMA webpage for the most up-to-date information made available by CSX to this office.
The Elmore County EMA will do its best to keep the public informed of any changes in the schedule. Interested/affected parties can check EMA’s website at for updates that will be posted to the website as they become available.