Our Mission
The mission of the Elmore County Emergency Management Agency is to create resilient communities and enhance public safety by empowering all who live, work, visit and govern in Elmore County to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from all types of hazards, emergencies and disasters. We strive for excellence in serving all of Elmore County.
What is emergency management?
The average person thinks of emergency management in terms of dealing with inclement weather conditions, however, emergency management also embraces the coordination of effort pertaining to human-caused or technological emergencies such as hazardous materials spills, major transportation accidents, large fires, and public health emergencies. Local emergency management programs are the first line of defense in the coordination effort in preparing for, mitigating against, responding to and recovery from major emergencies and disasters which are managed from the local level.
The development of a comprehensive emergency management organization is a cooperative effort with all local stakeholder agencies and organizations in the county to include municipal and county government agencies and departments; volunteer, non-profit and faith-based organizations and the private sector.
Who we are
The Elmore County Emergency Management Organization is comprised of all departments, agencies and organizations that have essential functions of government. These essential functions of government are identified as Emergency Management Functions. The Elmore County Emergency Management Agency is responsible for coordinating the plans and programs of the emergency management organization, to include but not limited to, fire, law enforcement, emergency medical services, public works, volunteer, faith-based, non-profit, and other groups contributing to the community’s management of emergencies. We are responsible for the overall preplanning and program coordination for response to, recovery from, mitigation of, and preparedness for major emergencies and disaster situations that could potentially affect our County.
The Elmore County Civil Defense Organization was created by the Elmore County Commission in November of 1961 as a result of the Civil Defense Act of 1950. At the time the Civil Defense included measures for the mobilization, organization, and direction of civilian population and necessary support agencies to prevent, or minimize, the effects of fire, flood, earthquake and epidemic, as well as the effects of nuclear war, or subversive activities against the population, communities, industrial plants, facilities and other installations.
In September of 1983, the Elmore County Civil Defense Organization was officially renamed the Elmore County Emergency Management Agency and was charged with an updated purpose by the Elmore County Commission. The Resolution read as follows:
Whereas, there exists the possibility of an attack on the United States of unprecedented size and destructiveness; and
Whereas, there is a constant danger of natural, man-made and technological disasters with the potential for substantial destruction; and
Whereas, it is necessary to maintain a high state of Emergency Preparedness coordinated with the State and Federal governments to minimize the loss of life and property during such times of emergency, and Whereas, Chapter 9 of Title 31 of the Code of Alabama 1975 as amended, known as the State of Alabama Emergency Management Act, authorizes the local governments to organize emergency management organizations for the purpose of promptly reacting in the event of a disaster to save life and property.
Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the County Commission of Elmore County, in order that the proper state of Emergency Management exists to minimize the loss of life and property during times of emergency in this jurisdiction, an Emergency Management Agency and a position of Emergency Management Director/Coordinator (appointed by the Commission), is established, and the Statement of Purpose of this emergency management organization is as follow:
It is an operational assumption of the Emergency Management Program that existing agencies of government will perform emergency activities, related to those they perform in normal times. Auxiliary groups will be formed and trained, under the direction and control for the operation department of government they are to support, and non-governmental groups will be assigned emergency missions, as necessary to develop a capability to augment or supplement existing agencies of government in responding to emergencies. A basic purpose of the local Emergency Management Agency and its Director/Coordinator shall be to provide for coordination of operations of all such governmental and non-governmental forces in emergencies, provide those unique emergency preparedness skills, capabilities, and facilities not available in existing government organizations, as well as the planning necessary to achieve the result. The Emergency Management Director/Coordinator shall also inform the operating departments of government of those special conditions arising out of a nuclear attack which would call for a modification of traditional operating techniques.
Be it further resolved, this Resolution supersedes the Resolution adopted October 31, 1961, establishing a county civil defense organization. The Civil Defense Facility, Property, and Personnel are hereby transferred to the Elmore County Emergency Management Agency.